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TAPROGGE Cooling Water Debris Filter PR-BW 100-FC

Continuous fine filtration of cooling water and other liquids

The PR-BW 100-FC is a filter series designed to fine filter liquids. The filter is based on the successful and superbly designed PR-BW 100 and the particularly efficient “active filter elements”. This means the filter is able to handle volumetric flows of up to approx. 12,000 m³/h. The “active filter elements” are available in a range of 50 to 1,000 microns and are particularly effective against mussel larvae which now have the potential to cause serious problems.

Technical data

Volume flow:< 200 - approx. 12,000 m³/h
Nominal connection widths:DN 100 - DN 1,200
Filtration grade:50 - 1,000 microns
Filter element:“active” plastic filter elements, stainless steel wedge wire
Housing material:rubberlined steel, stainless steel
Temperature:max. 80 °C
Controller:Programmable logic controller
Special versions:upon request

Features and Benefits

The patented filter cartridges are the key components of the PR-BW 100-FC.
Unlike well-known filter materials that were previously used, the TAPROGGE filter cartridges are composed of “active filter elements” with adjustable elastic filter gaps. Even though the filter gaps are set to a specific width when the filtration process is running, the filter gaps in the “active filter elements” open autonomously when the flow reverses during the backwash process. This means that even trapped particles are released and intensively cleaned.

Using “active filter elements” increases the operational reliability of the cleaning process. These “active elements” require much lower backwash velocities than conventional filter elements which often become permanently blocked; this ensures that filtration can continue unimpeded.

The PR-BW 100-FC is constructed in a considerably more compact way than conventional backwash filters which is primarily due to the performance capabilities of the “active filter elements”. This provides significant advantages in terms of space requirements, pipework layouts and accessibility. By rotating one half of the housing, the filter can be adjusted in a completely flexible way to suit the current pipe arrangement which reduces installation costs considerably.

Parameters relating to costs, e.g. backwash rate, pressure loss and fouling absorption capacity can be adapted to suit each application. This enables the impact of process engineering concepts on investment and operating costs to be individually optimised at an early stage.


Over 100 systems delivered


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© TAPROGGE Gesellschaft mbH