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Market Leadership Through Innovation

TAPROGGE has been and will always remain a company that is driven by engineering ingenuity. Over the course of its history, hundreds of patents have followed the company’s very first patent which was filed back in 1950. Outstanding milestones that have been reached along the way include:

  1. The company is founded and the first condenser tube cleaning system patented by J. Taprogge is installed.

  2. The TAPROGGE company is established by inventor J. Taprogge’s brother Ludwig Taprogge.

  3. TAPROGGE America, the first foreign subsidiary, is opened in the USA.

  4. TAPROGGE Japan, the first Asian subsidiary, is opened.

  5. The technical implementation of the first-generation large cooling water filter system based on turbulence technology is completed.

  6. The largest strainer section in the world is delivered in the USA: the DN 4900

  7. Development work on the filter technology continues and the first filter based on pressure-relieved backwash technology is delivered.

  8. A quantum leap is made in terms of filter performance (performance ratio) with the delivery of the first Type PR-BW high-performance filter.

  9. Entry into the Chinese market with the opening of a subsidiary with its own manufacturing facilities.

  10. The largest cooling water filter system in the world is delivered in the USA: the DN 3200

  11. A facility is developed for the first time to recycle cooling water in a large power station (Cooling Water Reuse Plant) in Thailand.

  12. Clean technology is developed in partnership with the company Terrawater, Kiel.

  13. The company develops its expertise in cleaning solutions for special heat exchangers through a partnership forged with the Dutch company Klaren B.V.

  14. Opening of our Indian subsidiary with own manufacturing facilities

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