Multi-stage systems
Water extraction systems
For many industries, water extraction systems form the link between nature and technology. They represent the first link in the chain when water is converted from a natural to an industrial resource.
Conventional water extraction systems take up a great deal of space and require high levels of maintenance.
For many years, they were the only type of cleaning process for industrial cooling water circuits.
However, they have changed considerably over the years as knowledge has increased about the financial benefits of more efficient water treatment processes and because higher quality requirements must be reached for water that can be used in industry.
Conceptual changes have enabled investment and operating costs to be significantly reduced without placing any limits on functionality.
TAPROGGE has played a key role in this development, especially through the considerable technical advances we have achieved in downstream filter technology. Our IN-TA-CT® system now enables our customers to choose from a modular planning concept through to a complete solution to carry out their water treatment processes.
The solutions have evolved through viewing the purification process for equipment that requires protection in a holistic way.
Our key innovation involved placing a high-performance type PR-BW 800 filter directly in front of the heat exchanger that requires protection.
This set-up supplemented the conventional rake systems, travelling band screens and drum screens and for the first time enabled macrofouling to be effectively controlled across the entire pipe section, from the water extraction process through to the heat exchanger.
More than 700 of these filter systems have been installed in large cooling water circuits all around the world which has in a matter of a few years turned this technical concept into a standard system that is widely used around the world.
The fact that this high-performance filter is positioned in a considerably more effective place enables it to protect the downstream heat exchanger so that water extraction systems can focus solely on protecting the pump.
Coarse bar and fine bar screens are able to perform this task sufficiently which involves significantly smaller amounts of investment.
TAPROGGE Pump Protection Concept
Using a two-stage cleaning chain comprising coarse bar and fine bar screens and stop logs connected upstream for isolating purposes, TAPROGGE designs and supplies a modified water extraction system which fulfils modern pump protection requirements.
This combined with the TAPROGGE type PR-BW 800 high-performance filter connected downstream provides a significantly more effective end-to-end solution than has ever been produced before. The solution protects pumps and heat exchangers and condensers connected downstream against troublesome macrofouling issues.
Operators can achieve considerable benefits:
- Savings on travelling band screens, drum screens and associated construction costs which reduces investment requirements.
- The performance and reliability of the cleaning processes are substantially enhanced by positioning equipment in a more suitable place and by enabling components throughout the entire system to perform more efficiently. This increases operational availability.
- A reliable one-stop solution. No interfaces required with the TAPROGGE system guarantee.
Features and Benefits
Fine Bar Screen System Control
- Specially developed three-rope technology enables the rake carriage to be opened and closed individually as the water travels up and downstream. If the passage of the gripper shell is impeded by debris particles that are buckling in the bar screen, repeated cleaning prevents any interruptions in the process.
- The partially perforated carriage shell prevents a “surge effect”, which temporarily occurs when water travels upwards through the water-air level, which causes contaminants to be flushed out with water that is usually flowing away.
- Depending on the level of contamination and the cleaning frequency that has to occur as a result, instead of a more fixed cleaning machine, a movable machine can be positioned on tracks across the channel, which is especially useful if there are several channels. This can significantly reduce investment costs. For safety reasons the number of channels per movable cleaning machine should be limited to a maximum of three on a fine bar screen.